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About Dirk E. Maier

Dr. Dirk E. Maier’s research program focuses on post-harvest engineering applied to grain and feed operations and processing. Projects involve post-harvest loss reduction and prevention, food security, grain operations management, feed technology, post-harvest engineering (crop handling, drying, storage, processing and loss prevention), value-added processing of agricultural crops and food/feed products, ecosystem modeling, stored products protection (IPM, fumigation), alternative crop storage systems (grain chilling, hermetic storage), dehydration of biological products, bulk material (grain, feed) handling and segregation (IP), quality assurance of agricultural crops and biological products, and facilities planning and design (including safety, entrapment rescue, dust explosion prevention, system simulation).

Dr. Maier’s outreach program focuses on crop post-harvest handling, drying, storage, processing and loss prevention, global food and nutrition security, and continuing education and credentialing of industry professionals in the global grain and feed industry. He provides leadership to and teaches a number of distance courses in the GEAPS Continuing Education and Credentials Program.


August 2015 - Present Professor, Iowa State University Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
2008 - 2015 Professor and Head, Kansas State University ‐ Department of Grain Science and Industry

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1992 PhD, Michigan State University ‐ Agricultural Engineering

Contact Information

3325 Elings
605 Bissell Rd
Ames, IA 50011-1098
Phone: 515-294-0140
Fax: 515-294-2255


Peer-Reviewed Articles (41)

Conference Proceedings (10)