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About David D Nolte

David D. Nolte is the Edward M. Purcell Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Purdue University. His research pioneered the development of the BioCD and dynamic-contrast optical coherence tomography (DC-OCT). His latest book in Interference: The History of Optical Interferometry and the Scientists who Tamed Light (Oxford University Press, 2023). His previous book is Galileo Unbound: A Path Across Life, the Universe and Everything (Oxford University Press , 2018) is on the history and physics of dynamics, topics on which he blogs regularly. He received his baccalaureate from Cornell University, his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley, and had a post-doctoral appointment at AT&T Bell Labs before joining the faculty at Purdue. He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, a Fellow of the American Physical Society and a Fellow of the AAAS. He received the Herbert Newby McCoy Award of Purdue University and is the technical founder of two biotech startup companies in diagnostic screening and analysis.


Present Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Biomedical Optics and Optoelectronics

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Honors and Awards

  • EM Purcell Distinguished Professor of Physics (2015)
  • Fellow of the AAAS (2012)
  • McCoy Award (2005)
  • Fellow of the APS (2003)
  • Fellow of the OSA (1997)


  • Modern Dynamics


1981 - 1988 Ph. D., University of California, Berkeley ‐ Physics
1977 - 1981 B. A., Cornell University ‐ Physics

Interference: The History of Optical Interferometry (Oxford, 2023) (1)

The history of optical interferometry and its use to discover second Earths, to detect gravitational waves, to image black holes in distant galaxies, and to build the next quantum computers.

Galileo Unbound: The Physics of Life, The Universe and Everything (Oxford, 2018) (6)

The physics and history of dynamics.

Introduction to Modern Dynamics: Chaos, Networks, Space and Time (2nd Edition, Oxford, 2019) (9)

Physics textbook on modern dynamics with topics on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics, nonlinear dynamics, chaos, network dynamics, synchronization, evolutionary dynamics, neurodynamics and neural networks, economic dynamics, special and general relativity.

Mind at Light Speed: A New Kind of Intelligence (Free Press, 2001) (4)

A general-interest account of the optical technology revolution.

Optical Interferometry for Biology and Medicine (Springer, 2011) (2)

A technical book on the physics and applications of optical interferometry in the biosciences.

Review Articles (6)