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About Michael I Niman Ph.D.

Michael I. Niman is a Professor of Journalism and Media Studies at Buffalo State College and a syndicated columnist whose work has earned him two Project Censored awards. His writing has regularly appeared in The Humanist,Truthout, Alternet, [the former] ArtVoice, The Public and Coldtype as well as in dozens of other venues in the US, Canada, Europe and South Africa. Niman, a trained ethnographer, is author of People of the Rainbow: A Nomadic Utopia (2nd edition 2011 - Univ. of Tennessee Press), an ethnography of a nomadic utopian nonhierarchical society stemming from qualitative research conducted in Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Minnesota, Vermont, Missouri, New York, California and Quebec, Canada. Niman’s research agenda currently focuses on propaganda, the impact of consumer culture, temporary autonomous zones, nonviolent conflict resolution and nonhierarchical societies and movements. Niman formerly worked as a journalist based in Costa Rica and has conducted fieldwork in Canada, Guatemala, Nicaragua, the United Kingdom, Cuba and Belize. Niman is the recipient of the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching and has delivered invited lectures and presentations at diverse venues such as Cornell University, Harvard University (Law School) and the Chautauqua Institute.
Please click on "view more" below, where available, to see entire lists of available materials.


Present Affiliated Faculty, Women & Gender Studies, State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College
Present Arts & Humanities Graduate Faculty, State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College
Present Professor, Communication Department (Journalism & Critical Media Studies), State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College

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Honors and Awards

  • State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching (Awarded in 2012)
  • SUNY Buffalo State McNair Scholars Program Outstanding Faculty Mentor of the Year (2014)
  • SUNY Buffalo State Campus Life Faculty Appreciation Award (2013)
  • SUNY Buffalo State 2008 Students Award for the Promotion of Respect for Equity and Diversity.
  • SUNY Buffalo State 2005 United Student Government Instructor of the Year Award
  • SUNY Buffalo State 2004 United Student Government Instructor of the Year Award
  • SUNY Buffalo State 2004 Students Award for the Promotion of Respect for Diversity and Individual Differences
  • Magazine Story (What Bush Didn’t Want You To Know About Iraq. In The Humanist) selected by PROJECT CENSORED as #3 on its list of Top 25 overlooked or censored news stories of 2002-2003


  • Mass Media and Society - COM 450
  • Persuasion and Propaganda - SPC 309
  • Race Class & Gender in Media - SPC 333
  • Alternative Media - COM 389
  • Investigative Reporting - COM 390
  • Visual Communication - COM 215
  • Foundations of Inquiry / Lies My Teacher Told Me - BSC 101

Contact Information

Communication Department
230 Bishop Hall
1300 Elmwood Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14222
