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Hillary vs. the 99%
ArtVoice (2014)
  • Michael I Niman, Ph.D.
Just over two years after the inception of Occupy Wall Street, and one year after the corporate media wrote it off as dead, an unabashed progressive, Bill de Blasio, took the movement’s rhetoric and mobilized the 99 percent to give him a landslide victory over four decades of class war against poor and working New Yorkers.Mayor de Blasio’s progressive campaign rhetoric could have come from the Occupy movement’s “human microphone,” and no amount of Koch brothers funded attack ads could derail the zeitgeist that drove de Blasio and a strong contingent of progressive city council members (including at least one Occupy veteran) to victory. This election foretells a changing political tide that promises to swell thousands of miles beyond New York, ultimately forcing the Democratic Party to rethink who its masters are.
  • Hillary Clinton,
  • Elizabeth Warren,
  • Paul Wellstone,
  • Social Inequality,
  • 99 percent,
  • Occupy
Publication Date
January 23, 2014
Citation Information
Michael I Niman. "Hillary vs. the 99%" ArtVoice Vol. 13 Iss. 4 (2014)
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