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Vanessa de Veritch Woodside

Assistant Professor


  • Chicana/o Studies
  • Latina/o Studies
  • Spanish and Portuguese Language and Literature

Research Interests

  • the portrayal of women's (re-)negotiation of personal and cultural identities resulting from their new familial and societal roles because of migration in Latino/a texts and films
  • transnational motherhood as an alternative maternal paradigm and transnational families in contemporary Chicano/a and Latino/a texts
  • Chicana re-writing of predominantly written masculine migrant literature

Edward Kolodziej

Associate Professor


  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Water Resource Management

Research Interests

  • Water quality and contaminant fate in natural and engineered systems, especially focusing on interdisciplinary approaches to complex environmental issues affecting water and ecosystem health
  • stormwater and toxicant identification
  • characterize and control non-point source pollution, understand attenuation mechanisms in natural systems, and optimize engineered systems for trace contaminant removal