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About William R Graves

Bill Graves was raised in a suburb of Chicago and completed bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Iowa State University and the doctorate at Purdue University. Bill took his initial faculty position at the University of Maryland. In 1992, Bill returned to Iowa State University, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate classes. Bill is working with a team of researchers to develop sustainable alternatives to conventional plastics used in horticultural industries. He also studies the ecology, physiology, propagation, and genetics of rare plants and biological nitrogen fixation of trees and shrubs. For over a decade, Bill directed the graduate programs in horticulture at Iowa State University, and he was appointed associate dean of the university’s Graduate College in 2010. Bill and his colleagues have taught a graduate course for many years on the preparation of manuscripts for submission to refereed scientific journals, and Bill is co-author of a related book, Getting Published in the Life Sciences [John Wiley and Sons, 2011]. Bill has been privileged to hold sabbatical appointments at the University of Delaware and Stanford University to pursue his research. He’s received a Diversity Enhancement Award and the Margaret Ellen White Award for advising graduate students from Iowa State University, and the Norman J. Coleman Award for outstanding research from the American Nursery and Landscape Association.


Present Associate Dean, Iowa State University Graduate College
Present Professor, Iowa State University

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Contact Information

1137 Pearson
505 Morrill Rd
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-294-2682
Fax: 515-294-3003


Peer-Reviewed Articles (19)

Technical Reports (1)