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About Rodney J. Paul

Rodney J. Paul joins Syracuse University following his most recent role as a professor of economics in the Department of Finance at St. Bonaventure University. He has also held a visiting faculty position at Montana State University.He has authored numerous book chapters on sport economics and business. This year, he was the co-author of the chapters, “Uses of sports wagering-based prediction markets outside of the world of gambling,” in the book, Prediction Markets: Theory and Applications and “Behavioral biases and sportsbook pricing in Major League Baseball” in the Oxford Handbook of Sports Economics.
His research has appeared on Buffalo Sabres Gamenight and, in CFO Magazine, and in various newspaper and radio outlets, including recent interviews on National Public Radio focused on the NFL labor situation, the Los Angeles Dodgers’ financial difficulties, and the TV rights to the Olympic Games.. He has presented at conferences both nationally and internationally, and his work has been published in The Journal of Sports Economics, International Journal of Sport Finance, Applied Economics, Atlantic Economic Journal, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Economics and Finance, and others.
Ph.D. (2000), M.A.(1993), Applied Economics, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
B.S., Mathematics, B.A., Economics, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA (1992)


Present (2001-2006) Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Saint Bonaventure University, Saint Bonaventure, NY
Present (2006-2009) Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Saint Bonaventure University, Saint Bonaventure, NY
Present (2009-present) Full Professor, Department of Finance, Saint Bonaventure University, Saint Bonaventure, NY
Present (2011-present) Professor, Department of Sport Management, Syracuse University

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  • SPM 664: Financial Management of Sport Facilities & Events
  • SPM 315: Sport Finance

Contact Information

810 Nottingham Road
Syracuse, NY 13224
Phone: (315) 443-8165

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