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About Natalie L. Smith


Present Associate Professor, East Tennessee State University Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation, and Kinesiology

Curriculum Vitae

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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Guest Reviewer, Journal of Sport Management
Present Committee Member, NASSM Marketing & Communications
Present Co-Founder/Organizer, NorthEast TN Sport & Recreation Alliance
Present Editorial Board Member, Sport Innovation Journal
Present Member, Sport Management Association of Australia & NZ
Present Member, Sport Marketing Association
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Honors and Awards

  • 2014 - UIUC "Teachers Rated as Excellent" List
  • 2016 - Christine Ziebarth Howe Award
  • 2017-2018 - ITS Technological Improvement MOU - Sport Communication
  • 2017-2018 - InTopForm Fellowship


  • SALM 3230 - Sport in Social Context
  • SALM 5220 - Issues in Sport Management
  • SALM 4205 - Issues/Trends in Sport Management
  • SALM 3232 - Marketing & PR in Sport & Leisure Management
  • SALM 4235 - International Sport
  • SALM 4210 - Legal Issues in Sport & Leisure Activities
  • SALM 4225 - Management Sport/Leisure Activities
  • SALM 3200 - Introduction to Sport Management
  • SALM 5250 - Facility Planning
  • SALM 5670 - Sport Management Research
  • SALM 5332 - Sport Communication


December 2016 PhD, Recreation, Sport and Tourism, The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
July 2010 MAS, Humanities, Management and Law of Sport, FIFA Master (CIES)
May 2006 BA, Politics, Pomona College

Contact Information

PO Box 70671
Johnson City, TN 37614

Office: E224 MSHA Athletic Center
Phone: 423-439-4382 


Peer-Reviews Papers & Book Chapters (6)

Technical Reports (3)

Invited Presentations (4)

Refereed Conference Presentations & Posters (13)