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About Maria Malu H. Roldan

Dr. Malu Roldan is Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs in the Lucas College and Graduate School of Business at San Jose State University. Previously she was Professor in the School of Information Systems and Technology. She was Project Director for SJSU's Digital Publishing Initative and Mobility Project, both supported by grants from Hewlett Packard and the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance. Since 2003 she has led several successful interdisciplinary, technology-enabled, community-engaged initiatives on-campus in partnership with members of the information technology and entrepreneurial communities and Purdue's Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS). The projects have demonstrated sustained, significant gains in learning and civic engagement. Malu completed her Ph.D. in Management at the University of California, Los Angeles and conducted post-doctoral work on e-commerce at the University of California, Berkeley. She has published refereed articles on electronic commerce, business education, and service learning and has served as Faculty-in-Residence for Technology Innovation at SJSU's Center for Faculty Development and Support.


May 2012 - Present Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs, San Jose State University Lucas College and Graduate School of Business
October 2010 - Present Professor, San Jose State University School of Information Systems & Technology

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1996 Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles ‐ Management Information Systems, General

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Refereed Articles (17)

Refereed Proceedings - Full Paper (4)

Refereed Proceedings - Abstract Only (2)

Book Chapters (6)