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About Keith St. Lawrence

Dr. Keith St. Lawrence is an associate professor in the departments of Medical Biophysics and Medical Imaging at Western University, as well as an associate scientist at the Children's Health Research Institute (CHRI).

Asset Map Keywords: Brain Metabolism, Imaging, and MRI Technology --> (see more)
Children's Health Collaborators: Sandrine de Ribaupierre and Lisa Hoffman

Unique Keywords: Infrared Spectroscopy

Biography: Development of hybrid imaging methods including optics and PET/MRI for assessing brain metabolism and function
Research Areas: Functional imaging, biomedical optics, magnetic resonance imaging

Research Group: Imaging
Research Interest Area: Medical imaging and diagnostics
Research Overview: Imaging brain function primarily using MRI and infrared spectroscopy

Dr. St Lawrence received his Ph.D. in Medical Biophysics from Western University and conducted his post-doctoral studies at the National Institutes of Health. His research is focused on developing functional imaging techniques for studying brain pathologies. These technologies range from bedside optical methods for neuromonitoring of intensive-care patients to quantitative tomographic methods (MRI and PET) for mapping key parameters of brain health including cerebral blood flow and energy metabolism.

Dr. Keith St Lawrence is an Associated Professor in the Department of Medical Biophysics at Western University and a Scientist at the Lawson Health Research Institute.

His research is focused on developing quantitative imaging methods for studying brain function under normal and disease conditions. This covers multiple imaging modalities including optics, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. His team has developed portable optical devices for monitoring cerebral blood flow and oxygen utilization in intensive care patients. Another active research area has been using perfusion MRI to studying longitudinal changes in brain function. This technology has been applied to the study of chronic pain, frontotemporal dementia and cardiovascular disease. Finally, his team is investigating how the combination of PET/MRI can be harnessed for neuroimaging applications, including hybrid approaches for imaging brain perfusion and oxygen consumption, and combining functional MRI with PET to understand how brain function is altered by the underlying neurochemistry/physiology.

Dr. St Lawrence has been the recipient of a Heart and Stroke Foundation Mid-Career Investigator Award, a SickKids Foundation New Investigator Award, and scholarships from the Canadian Institutes of Health and the National Science and Engineering Research Council.


Present Associate Professor, Western University Department of Medical Biophysics
Present Associate Professor, Western University Department of Medical Imaging
Present Associate Scientist, Western University Robarts Research Institute
Present Associate Scientist, Lawson Health Research Institute ‐ Children's Health Research Institute (CHRI)

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