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About John K. Young

John Young (Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1998). I joined Marshall in 2000, where I study and teach 20th/21st-century American, British, and Anglophone literatures, focusing especially on the social dimensions of textual scholarship. Through the documentary traces of textual production (drafts, manuscripts, alternate published versions, advertisements, covers, etc.) my research investigates the ways in which social and cultural systems impinge on texts as both material and immaterial entities (or what we might call the "outside" and "inside" of books). Current projects include Publishing Blackness: Textual Constructions of Race since 1850, co-edited with George Hutchinson (University of Michigan Press, 2012), and Implied Texts: Narrative Versions and Material Textuality, which will explore the editorial and narratological implications of fictions that exist in multiple versions, including chapters on Forster's A Passage to India, Fitzgerald's Tender Is the Night, Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, O'Brien's Going After Cacciato, Ralph Ellison's Three Days Before the Shooting…, and Raymond Carver's stories as edited by Gordon Lish. Previous publications include Black Writers, White Publishers (University Press of Mississippi, 2006; paperback 2009), and articles on Trinidadian novelist Robert Antoni (2012), Virginia Woolf and the Hogarth Press (2010), William Plomer and the Hogarth Press (2010), Nella Larsen and the final paragraph in Passing (2004), Thomas Pynchon and popular magazines (2003), and Toni Morrison and Oprah's Book Club (2001). I am currently serving as Executive Director of the Society for Textual Scholarship


Present Professor, English, Marshall University

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phone: 304-696-2349


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