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About Joanne E Goodell

JOANNE E. GOODELL is a Professor in Cleveland State University's Department of Teacher Education. She taught high-school mathematics for 13 years in Australia, and was department chair for five years. Her previous university positions include Equity and Access for Women in Engineering Coordinator at Curtin University, Mathematics Education Lecturer at Edith Cowan University and Research Director for Ohio's Statewide Systemic Initiative Discovery at Miami University, Oxford Ohio in 1999. She currently teaches undergraduate and graduate mathematics methods and practicum courses. Her research interests focus on equity, reform and professional development issues in the teaching and learning of mathematics and related disciplines in high-schools and universities. Current grants include the D-STEM Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program with Miami and Toledo, two Noyce scholarship programs through the National Science Foundation, and the Teacher Quality Partnership program through the National Mathematics and Science Initiative. Dr. Goodell was instrumental in bringing the UTeach model to Cleveland State, and is the Education Co-Director for the CSUTeach program. In August 2016, Dr. Goodell was appointed as the director of the Center for Faculty Excellence, a half-time administrative appointment.


Present Associate Professor, Teacher Education, Cleveland State University

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Articles (5)

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Presentations (3)