2019 - Present | Coordinator for Undergraduate Research, Providence College ‐ Health Policy and Management | |
2015 - Present | Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management, Providence College ‐ Health Policy and Management | |
2010 - 2015 | Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management, Providence College ‐ Health Policy and Management | |
2014 | Interim Program Director, Providence College ‐ Health Policy and Management | |
2008 - 2010 | Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Connecticut College | |
2007 - 2008 | Lecturer on Anthropology, Harvard University | |
2008 | Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Brown University | |
2003 - 2005 | Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, University of Puerto Rico | |
2001 - 2002 | Teaching Fellow, Harvard University | |
Research Interests
Honors and Awards
- Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude George Washington University 1997
- Graduate Scholarship Recipient Georgetown University 1997 - 1999
- Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship Harvard University 1999-2000
- Saltonstall Population Innovation Fund Fellowship Harvard University 2001-2002
- Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies Grant Harvard University 2003
- Hemenway Fellowship of American Ethnology Harvard University 2005
- Predissertation Fellowship Brown University 2006
- Graduate Society Fellowship for Dissertation Completion Harvard University 2006-2007
- Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Connecticut College 2008-2010
- Expert Advisory Committee Member HealthSourceRI 2013 - 2015
- School of Professional Studies, Summer Scholar Funding Providence College, 2014, 17, 18
- Committee on Aid to Faculty Research Grant Providence College, 2014, 16, 19
- Short Seminar Co-Chair, School for Advanced Research Santa Fe, NM 2015
- The Collaborative Research Grant Providence, RI 2015
- Treasurer, Society for Medical Anthropology American Anthro. Assoc., 2018-21
- SPS Faculty Excellence Award Providence College, 2018
- Gender, Medicine and Care
- Community Health Practice
- Senior Seminar in Health Policy and Management
- Culture, Health and Illness
- Epidemiology of Health and Disease
2007 | PhD, Harvard University ‐ Social Anthropology | |
1999 | MA, Georgetown University ‐ Latin American Studies | |
1997 | BA, George Washington University ‐ Latin American Studies | |
Contact Information
Department of Health Policy and Management
Providence College
1 Cunningham Square
Howley Hall 204
Providence, RI 02918-0152