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About Ehsan Khatami

Dr. Ehsan Khatami is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at San José State University. Dr. Khatami studies exotic phases of matter through theoretical modeling and numerical simulation of quantum many-body systems. Phenomena such as superconductivity, in which the electrical resistance is completely lost upon lowering the temperature, can arise in certain materials due to the strong Coulomb interaction between electrons. Dr. Khatami and his group have been developing and using a diverse set of numerical tools to study such strongly-correlated electronic systems on lattices. Dr. Khatami's numerical findings have recently attracted a lot of attention in the experimental Atomic Molecular and Optics (AMO) community, where researchers are designing “quantum simulators” using atoms on lattices made of lasers (optical lattices) with the aim to discover phases that are inaccessible to numerical methods. The results of his collaborations with groups at Rice University and the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms have been published in Nature and Science.


August 2014 - Present Associate Professor, San Jose State University Physics and Astronomy
July 2013 - August 2014 Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California, Davis ‐ Physics
September 2012 - June 2013 Visiting Research Scholar, University of California, Santa Cruz ‐ Physics
September 2009 - June 2013 Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgetown University ‐ Physics

Curriculum Vitae


2016 - 2019 MRI: Acquisition of Hybrid CPU/GPU High Performance Computing and Storage for STEM Research and Education at SJSU
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
2016 - 2019 RUI: Disorder in strongly-correlated electrons on a lattice
Role: Principal Investigator
2017 Travel Award
San Jose State University College of Science
2016 - 2017 Equipment Support
San Jose State University College of Science
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2014 - Present Faculty adviser to the Physics Club, San Jose State University
2012 - Present Referee, Physical Review Letters and Physical Review B
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Honors and Awards

  • KITP Scholar, 2016-2018
  • Ranked 1st in a nationwide Master of Science entrance exam in physics for private (Azad) universities, held among approximately 4000 undergraduate physics students, Iran (2004)
  • Ranked 11th in the Sixth National Student Olympiad in Physics, Iran (2001)
  • Awarded an undergraduate fellowship, providing supplemental nancial support, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran (1999)


  • Thermodynamics & stat. mechanics (UD)
  • Electricity and magnetism (LD)
  • Electricity and magnetism lab (LD)
  • Mathematical methods in physics [lower division (LD)]
  • Computational methods in physics [upper division (UD)]
  • Solid state physics [graduate]


2009 Ph.D., University of Cincinnati ‐ Physics
2004 M.S., Sharif University of Technology ‐ Physics
2001 B.S., Isfahan University of Technology ‐ Physics

Contact Information


Articles (46)