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About Carrie P. Freeman

Carrie P. Freeman (PhD, Univ of Oregon, 2008) (she/her) is a critical/cultural studies researcher who studies media ethics, communication strategies for social justice movements, and the media's coverage of nonhuman animal and environmental issues, in particular, animal agribusiness and veganism. She is a tenured Full Professor in the Department of Communication at Georgia State University in Atlanta. Her most recent book (2020, UGA Press) is "The Human Animal Earthling Identity: Shared Values Unifying Human Rights, Animal Rights & Environmental Movements." which was named 'Book Most Likely to Save the Planet' in 2021's Independent Publisher Book Awards. Her first book is "Framing Farming: Communication Strategies for Animal Rights" (Brill, 2014), a 2016 National Indie Excellence Book Award Finalist in the Social/Political Change category. With Nuria Almiron and Matthew Cole, she co-edited the first anthology combining critical media studies and animal studies approaches (Routledge, 2016) "Critical Animal & Media Studies: Communication for Nonhuman Advocacy."
With Dr. Debra Merskin, she co-authors the website that provides style guide recommendations and resources for all types of media practitioners on responsible representation of animals and their issues.
In addition to a previous career in public relations and H.R./professional development, she’s been active in the animal rights and vegan movement for two decades and has served as a volunteer director for local grassroots groups in three states and now is the faculty advisor for GSU's PEACE Club campus group. For over a decade, she's proud to be part of the Second Opinion Radio team (an animal rights program) and co-host of the bi-weekly environmental program (In Tune to Nature), both on Radio Free Georgia (WRFG 89.3FM-Atlanta). She can be seen most days somewhere in Atlanta following her dog Elliott around on a leash.
Other Web Sites: and GSU Profile Page


2022 - Present Professor, Georgia State University
2014 - 2022 Associate Professor of Communication, Georgia State University

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

media studies, media ethics, strategic communication for social change, critical animal studies, and environmental communication

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Honors and Awards

  • Professional Relevance Award, Media Ethics Division of the AEJMC National Conference, for co-authored paper “Anonymous Sources: A Utilitarian Exploration of Their Justification and Guidelines for Limited Use”
  • Best Faculty Paper Award for "Vegetarian Characters at Odds with Television’s Carnonormativity: You Don’t Win Friends with Salad,” Environmental Comm Division, Intl Comm Assn conference, Seattle May 2014
  • Research grant awarded from The Culture & Animals Foundation to support my book project “Framing Farming: Communication Strategies for Animal Rights”and again in 2016 for Human Animal Earthling book project.
  • Dissertation research grant from The Animal Welfare Trust, NY
  • 2016 National Indie Excellence book award finalist in the Social/Political Change category for "Framing Farming: Communication Strategies for Animal Rights"
  • • Awarded the “Outstanding Faculty Member” annual honor for GSU Communication Department (one faculty selected by the department’s Executive Committee each year). Spring 2017
  • • The Human Animal Earthling Identity book was voted 2021 “Book Most Likely to Save the Planet” in the Independent Publishers Book Awards (tied for this gold medal) (global competition). 2021
  • • The Human Animal Earthling Identity book was voted 2021 best book on the Environment, In the 15th annual National Indie Excellence Awards. 2021
  • • Awarded a 2016 grant from the Culture & Animals Foundation (run by animal rights philosopher Tom Regan) for my Human Animal Earthling book project.


  • Communication Pedagogy
  • Media, Ethics & Society (JOUR4800)
  • Introduction to Theories of Mass Communication (JOUR 3070)
  • Communicating Environmental Issues (JOUR/SPCH 3040))
  • Strategic Communication for Social Change (COMM 6160 / C8980)
  • Communication Ethics (COMM 8090)


2004 - 2008 PhD, University of Oregon ‐ School of Journalism & Communication

Contact Information

Georgia State University
Communications Dept
P.O. Box 5060
Atlanta, GA 30302-5060


Books (3)

Articles (11)

Contributions to Books (10)

Presentations (1)