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About Abe Oudshoorn

I am currently Associate Professor at The Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Western University and Managing Editor of the International Journal on Homeless available at and co-led the founding of the journal.  I have cross appointments with Lawson Health Research Institute and the Department of Psychiatry, Western University, as well as serving as a member of the Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion (CRHESI – My teaching interests involve community health, mental health, global health, research methods/statistics, and advanced Nursing theory.  My research interests include homelessness prevention, women’s homelessness, program evaluation, health promotion, refugee housing outcomes, critical ethnography, qualitative methods, participatory action research, poverty and health, critical theory, mental health, and others.


Present Assistant Professor, Western University Global Health Equity
Present Associate Professor, Western University Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing


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Professional Service and Affiliations

Partner, Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness
Advisory Council Member, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness
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Honors and Awards

  • Western University Newsmaker of the Year, 2018
  • Canada 150 Medal Recipient for research and advocacy on ending homelessness, 2018
  • Western Humanitarian Award, 2016


  • Health Systems
  • Health Promotion
  • Community Health
  • Nursing Science
  • Mental Health
  • Qualitative Methods


BScN, PhD, Western University

Recent Works (11)