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About Thomas Hallock

Thomas Hallock (@tbhallock) received his PhD from New York University. He is the author of From the Fallen Tree: Frontier Narratives, Environmental Politics and the Roots of a National Pastoral, and the co-editor of Early Modern Ecostudies: From the Florentine Codex to Shakespeare, William Bartram, the Search for Nature’s Design: Selected Art, Letters and Unpublished Manuscripts, and the forthcomingJohn and William Bartram: Travels on the St. Johns River. He is currently working on a series of travel and place-based essays that explain why he loves teaching the American literature survey, A Road Course in American Literature (


Present Professor, University of South Florida

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Honors and Awards

  • 2015 Finalist, Lamar York Prize in Creative Nonfiction, Chattahoochee Review
  • 2014 Fulbright Senior Specialist, Xi'an International Studies University, China
  • 2013 Daniel F. Breeden Eminent Scholar of the Arts & Humanities, Auburn University
  • 2012 Public Program Grant Florida Humanities Council, 2012
  • 2004 Honorable Mention, Thomas J. Lyon Book Award, Western American Literature Association,


Ph.D., New York University ‐ English: Early American Literature
B.A., Dickinson College ‐ Spanish and English

Contact Information

HBR 204


Books & Book Chapters (15)

Articles and Essays (12)