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About Rhea Paul

Dr. Rhea Paul is the Founding Chair and Professor, Department of Communications Disorders at Sacred Heart University and continues as an adjunct instructor.
Before coming to Sacred Heart, Paul was a research professor at the Yale Child Study Center, where she studied children with autism spectrum disorders. Prior to that, she was a member of the faculty at Southern Connecticut State University in the Department of Communication Disorders.
Paul came to SHU for the opportunity to begin a new program from the ground up, including hiring faculty, designing curriculum and clinical education, developing a program philosophy and using a range of innovative tools for teaching and learning. “I found this opportunity extraordinarily exciting. My discussions with the dean of the College of Health Professions convinced me that Sacred Heart was willing to devote the resources it would take to build a top-notch program, and my interactions with faculty and students persuaded me that it would be a fulfilling place to work.”
Paul holds a Bachelor’s degree in sociology from Brandeis University, a Master’s in reading and learning disabilities from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a Doctorate in communication disorders from the University of Wisconsin- Madison.


July 2021 - Present Adjunct Instructor, Sacred Heart University Communication Disorders, College of Health Professions
Present Affiliate, Haskins Laboratories
September 2012 - June 2021 Chair & Professor Communication Disorders, Sacred Heart University College of Health Professions, Communication Disorders

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests


2021 - Present Inter-professional Training in Enhancing Symbolic Communication for Students with autism spectrum disorders
U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs
Role: Applicant
2021 Simulation Training in Feeding Premature Infants
Colleague(s): Jason Blando, Dr. Ellen Martino, Dr. Avi Mishra
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Honors and Awards

  • Language Editor (2013-2015) for Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
  • Ritvo/Slifka Award for Innovative Clinical Research in Autism May 2010
  • Vice-President (2014- ) International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL)
  • Honors, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2014
  • Annual Scholarship Recognition - Book, 2015-2016
  • 2020 Visiting Professor Fellowship by the Loire Valley Institute of Advanced Study.


1977 - 1981 Ph.D. Communication Disorders, University of Wisconsin Madison

Contact Information

Dr. Rhea Paul
Adjunct Instructor
Communication Disorders
Ctr for Healthcare Education CHCE*N290
College of Health Professions
Tel: 203-416-3947


Articles (79)