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About Senorina (Noni) Reis

Noni M. Reis is an Emerita Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at San Jose State University. She is on the core faculty for the Doctorate in Education Leadership program. Dr. Reis is an Editor of the Journal of Administration & Supervision. California Association of Professors of Educational Administration, and Past President of the California Association of Professors of Educational Leadership. Her research interests include social justice leadership preparation, women of color in academia, and effective leadership for schools with English Learners using the tri-level framework (Mendoza-Reis & Flores). She served on two CREDE national research synthesis teams 1) Professional Development for Diversity, and 2) Academic Achievement and Language Learning.

Dr. Reis has participated in the development of instructional programs designed to support educators in the effective education of English language learner students. She co-authored the development of several state and national curriculum and coaching programs, including Toward Equity: Building Multicultural Schools (California Department of Education); Teaching Alive (Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence at University of California, Santa Cruz); English Language Learners: Language, Culture and Equity (National Education Association) and most recently, Improving the Teaching and Learning of  English Language Learners: The Instructional Conversation Model (Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education, University of Georgia, Athens).

Most recent publications include, Gray, M. & Mendoza-Reis,N. From Preparation to the principalship: Towards a framework for social justice in leadership. Journal of Administration Supervision, (forthcoming, 2021), and Mendoza-Reis, N., Lu, M.Y., and Louque, A. (forthcoming 2021) Women of color in education: Barriers, Challenges and Successes (forthcoming, 2021) in Rodriguez, S. and Kelly, B. (Eds). Black and brown leadership and the promotion of change in an era of social unrest.


2018 - Present Emerita Professor, San Jose State University Educational Leadership
2018 - Present Professor Emerita, San Jose State University Emeritus Faculty
2002 - 2018 Professor, San Jose State University Educational Leadership
1998 Instructor - Child Development, Cabrillo Community College
1998 Lecturer- Teacher Education, California State University, Monterey Bay
1990 - 1995 Lecturer - Board of Studies in Education, University of California, Santa Cruz

Curriculum Vitae


2004 - Present Professional Development School District Grants
Jicarilla Apache Reservation
2002 SJSU Faculty Lottery Grant
San Jose State University
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2015 Senior Editor, CAPEA Journal: Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development
2015 Chair, CTA Higher Education Caucus
2015 Member, CTA Liaison Team, California Commission on Teacher Credentialling
2014 - 2015 Chair, Cesar Chavez Scholarship Committee, California Faculty Association
2014 Member, Planning Committee, Good Teaching Conference, California Teachers Association
2011 Member, Mentoring Committee, National Association of Multicultural Education
2008 Higher Education Representative, Task Force on Teaching and Learning Association of California School Administrators (ACSA)
2007 Sabbatical, SJSU
2006 - 2007 Board Member, California Association of Professors of Educational Administration
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Honors and Awards

  • 2004 SJSU COE Faculty Professional Development Award
  • 2003 SJSU COE Faculty Professional Development Award
  • 2002 Awarded Model Professional Development Award by the U.S. Department of Education. One of two schools in the country to receive this award and the first from California. Focus was on professional development for equity.
  • 2002 Awarded Golden Bell Award for Professional Development. California School Board Association. “Starlight Elementary: Professional Development for Equity”
  • 2001 Award: “Administrator of the Year” from Association of California School Administrators.


EDD, Organizational Leadership and Educational Management, University of La Verne
BA, Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz
MA, Educational Administration & Supervision, San Jose State University

Contact Information

Journal Articles (8)

Recent Works (2)

Contributions to Books (5)

Presentations (10)