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About Murray R. Berkowitz

Dr. Murray R. Berkowitz currently is a professor of neuromusculoskeletal medicine and osteopathic manipulative medicine at PCOM Georgia, where he was inaugural director of the Family Medicine/OMM Clerkships as well as the inaugural director of Preventive and Community-Based Medicine. He also served as the inaugural Associate Dean for Clerkships and Core Site Development.

Dr. Berkowitz had a private osteopathic medicine practice in Arlington, Virginia. and Annapolis, Maryland. He served as a staff physician at Delaware’s Stockley Center for the Developmentally Disabled. Previously, he worked for the Virginia Department of Health as director of a three-county health district. Before that, he worked for the State of Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Community Health Administration and was a visiting assistant professor of computer and information sciences at Towson University.

Prior to that, Dr. Berkowitz served on active military duty as a Medical Corps officer in the United States Army. Before attending medical school, he served in numerous assignments in the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force.

Dr. Berkowitz is a disabled veteran and is a medically retired Army Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) due to service-connected combat-related disabilities. He was a military aviator and parachutist and also holds the Master Space Badge and the Office of the Secretary of Defense Identification Badge. He has 26 military awards and decorations.

Dr. Berkowitz is serving a three-year term through 2020 as a member-at-large to the American Osteopathic Association Bureau of Scientific Affairs and Public Health. He was appointed by AOA president Michael A. Baker, DO.


Present Professor, Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine & OMM, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
Associate Dean for Clerkships and Core Site Development, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Member, AAO Medical Economics Committee
Present Member, AAO Osteopathic Diagnosis and Treatment Education Committee
Present Member, AAO Publications Committee
Present Member, American Academy of Osteopathy
Present Member, American Osteopathic Academy of Medical Informatics
Present Member, American Osteopathic Association
Present Member, American Osteopathic College of Occupational and Preventive Medicine
Present Member, Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons
Present Peer Reviewer, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research
Present Member, Georgia Osteopathic Medical Association
Present Peer Reviewer, Journal of the American Osteopathic Association
Present Peer Reviewer, Southern Medical Journal
2011 - 2013 Scientific Editor (Editor-in-Chief), American Academy of Osteopathy Journal
2009 - 2011 Associate Editor, American Academy of Osteopathy Journal
2006 Vice President, Maryland Association of Osteopathic Physicians
2002 - 2003 Secretary-Treasurer, Maryland Association of Osteopathic Physicians
2002 House of Delegates, American Osteopathic Association
1993 - 1994 President, Des Moines Chapter of AMOPS
1992 - 1993 Vice President, Des Moines Chapter of AMOPS
Chair, AAO Informational Technologies Committee
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DO, Des Moines University - Osteopathic Medical Center ‐ College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery
MPH, Johns Hopkins University ‐ Bloomberg School of Public Health
MA, Columbia University
MS, Columbia University

Contact Information

P: 678-225-7485


Scholarly Articles (51)