2017 - Present | Associate Professor, Nova Southeastern University ‐ Halmos College of Arts and Sciences - Department of Communications, Media, and the Arts | |
2018 - 2020 | Faculty Coordinator, Nova Southeastern University ‐ First Year Experience, UNIV 1000 | |
2016 - 2018 | Faculty Coordinator, Nova Southeastern University ‐ Experiential Education & Learning (ExEL) | |
2013 - 2017 | Assistant Professor, Nova Southeastern University ‐ College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences | |
2009 - 2013 | Graduate Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech ‐ Department of English | |
2009 | Writing Fellow/Teaching Consultant, Virginia Tech ‐ Blue Ridge Writing Project | |
2008 - 2009 | Writing Center Coordinator, Wheaton High School ‐ Silver Springs, Maryland | |
2007 - 2009 | English Composition Assistant, Wheaton High School ‐ Silver Springs, Maryland | |
Research Interests
Professional Service and Affiliations
2010 - 2019 | Copy Editor, Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture | 2012 - 2013 | Associate Editor, Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Literacy, and Service Learning | Member, American Association of University Women (AAUW) | Member, College Composition and Communication (CCC) | Member, Modern Language Association (MLA) | Member, National Council for the Teachers of English (NCTE) | Member, National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) | Member, Pop Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA) |
Honors and Awards
- (2019) Professor of the Year STUEY Nominee and Finalist
- (2019) 5-Year Service Award, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
- (2018) Professor of the Year STUEY Nominee and Finalist
- (2016) Faculty Recognition Award, Department of Writing and Communication, CAHSS Spring Faculty Meeting – Year-end honor to one member of each department in the college.
- (2015 – 2018) External Funding Recognition Award Recipient
- (2012) Favorite Faculty Award (Student Nominated), Housing & Residence Life - Virginia Tech
- COMP 1000: Basic Writing
- COMP 1500: College Writing
- COMP 1500H: Honors College Writing
- COMP 2000: Advanced College Writing
- HONR 1000Y: Menace to Society: Comics, Art & More
- UNIV 1000: First-Year Experience
- WRIT 5010: Research Methods
- WRIT 5800: Editing, Layout, and Design
- WRIT 5850: Teaching and Tutoring Second Language Writers
Present | M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy, Nova Southeastern University | |
2013 | Ph.D., Rhetoric and Writing, Virginia Tech | |
2008 | M.A., English: Rhetoric and Composition, University of Maryland at Baltimore | |
2006 | B.A., Professional Writing, York College of Pennsylvania | |
Contact Information
(954) 262-8233