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About Melissa Gomez

Melissa Gomez is originally from New York but calls Central Florida home. She graduated from UCF with her master's in anthropology in August of 2020, after attaining her BA there in 2017. Her thesis was titled- FRUITS in Dakhleh: Isotopic and Bayesian Mixed-Model Reconstruction of Food Source Contributions and Diet at Kellis 2 Cemetery, Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. She is currently in the Integrated Anthropological Sciences PhD program at UCF continuing with her focus on biological archaeology with an emphasis on the Caribbean Archipelago. Her intent is to work in all areas of the world specializing in isotopic analysis of organic matter in bones, skin, hair, and nails to discover past life ways dealing with diet and disease and hopefully assist in new genetic discoveries that could shed light on current populations. Ms. Gomez plans to volunteer her time to aid in the recovery effort of deceased individuals from both natural disasters (DMORT) and crimes against humanity. Her research interests involve the diet, death rituals, and disease contraction of peoples both past and present and the biological implications of these topics. She has current research continuing in the Turks and Caicos involving agriculture and domestication as well as involvement with osteological analysis for a current dig in Dayr al-Barsha, Egypt.


2014 - Present Research Assistant - Stable Isotopes Lab, UCF, University of Central Florida

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Present Researcher, University of Central Florida

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