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About Margaret S. Mook

Margaret Mook received a Ph.D. in Classics from the University of Minnesota and is an Associate Professor of Classical Studies in the Department of World Languages and Cultures.  She also chairs the Classical Studies Program for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and directs its Archaeology of Greece study-abroad program. Mook teaches courses on Greek and Roman archaeology, the cultures and literatures of the Greco-Roman world, and Latin.  She is a Classical Archaeologist with a field of specialization in the Aegean Late Bronze Age through Archaic periods (ca. 1200 – 480 BCE).  Her research focuses on the development of the early Greek state on the island of Crete: the organization of Cretan society after the abandonment of Minoan Bronze Age palatial centers and the subsequent development of early cities and small-scale states.  Mook’s publications and papers are based on research involving the recovery and analysis of data from archaeological excavation, primarily pottery and associated domestic and civic architecture, from the excavations at Azoria and Kastro, located in the Kavousi region of eastern Crete.


Present Associate Professor, Iowa State University Department of World Languages and Cultures


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Contact Information

3244 Pearson
Ames, IA 50011-2205
515-294-9914 fax


Archaic Crete (4)

Early Iron Age Crete (4)

Cretan Archaeology (11)

Greek Pottery (1)