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The Excavation of Archaic Houses at Azoria in 2005-2006
  • Donald C. Haggis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Margaret S. Mook, Iowa State University
  • Rodney D. Fitzsimons, Trent University
  • C. Margaret Scarry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Lynn M. Snyder, Smithsonian Institution
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This article reports on the excavation of Archaic houses (6th–early 5th century b.c.) in 2005 and 2006 at Azoria in eastern Crete. Five houses are discussed: four on the South Acropolis on the periphery of the civic center, and one on the North Acropolis. Well-preserved floor deposits provide evidence for room functions and permit a preliminary analysis of domestic space. The houses fill a lacuna in the published record of the 6th and early 5th centuries b.c. and contribute to our understanding of the form of Archaic houses in the Aegean and the integration of domestic space into an urban context.


This article is from Hesperia 80 (2011): 431–489. Posted with permission.

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The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
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Citation Information
Donald C. Haggis, Margaret S. Mook, Rodney D. Fitzsimons, C. Margaret Scarry, et al.. "The Excavation of Archaic Houses at Azoria in 2005-2006" Hesperia Vol. 80 Iss. 3 (2011) p. 431 - 489
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