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About Lynnell L. Thomas

Lynnell L. Thomas is an associate professor of American Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Thomas received her doctorate from the Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts at Emory University. She is the author of Desire and Disaster in New Orleans: Tourism, Race, and Historical Memory (Duke University Press, 2014). Her scholarship has been published in the journals American Quarterly, The Black Scholar, Journal of African American HistoryJournal of Tourism HistoryPerformance Research, Television and New Media, and in the edited volumes HBO's Treme and Post-Katrina Catharsis: The Mediated Rebirth of New Orleans (Eds. Dominique Gendrin, Catherine Dessinges, and Shearon Roberts, Lexington Press, 2017),In the Wake of Hurricane Katrina: New Paradigms and Social Visions (Ed. Clyde Woods Johns Hopkins Press, 2010) and Seeking Higher Ground: The Race, Public Policy, and Hurricane Katrina Reader (Eds. Manning Marable and Kristen Clarke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). Her current project, with co-author Elizabeth Steeby, is a social justice tour guide “A People’s Guide to New Orleans.”


Present Associate Professor of American Studies, College of Liberal Arts, University of Massachusetts Boston

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Contact Information

Telephone: 617-287-6818
Office Location: Wheatley Hall,05,00005


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