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About Kristin Denham

Her teaching and research interests include grammatical structure; Native American language and literatures; dialect studies, including the use of dialect in literature; and applications of linguistics in K-12 education. She has published four books; Linguistics for Every one: An Introduction (Cengage/Wadsworth, 2010) and Navigating English Grammar (Blackwell 2013) (both co-authored with Anne Lobeck), Language in the Schools: Integrating Linguistics into K-12 Education (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005), and Linguistics at School: Language Awareness in Primary and Secondary Education (Cambridge University Press, 2010) (both co-edited with Anne Lobeck), and has authored numerous journal articles and book chapters.


Present Faculty Member, Western Washington University Western Expert
Present Professor and Chair, Linguistics Department, Western Washington University Department of Linguistics
Present Professor, Department of English, Western Washington University Department of English

Curriculum Vitae



2006 - 2008 The Western Washington University Teaching Partnership Project: Improving Teacher Education in Linguistics through Partner Teaching and Curriculum Design
National Science Foundation
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): Anne Lobeck
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2015 - Present Linguistics Program Director, Western Washington University
2017 - 2019 English Department, Advisory Committee, Western Washington University
2016 - 2019 Faculty Senate, Western Washington University
2015 - 2016 Libraries Task Force, Western Washington University
2012 - 2013 Academic Coordinating Commission, Western Washington University
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Honors and Awards

  • Community Engagement Fellow, WWU, 2017-18
  • Sustainability Fellow. Faculty member selected for Sustainability Workshops, winter and spring 2016.
  • Faculty member selected for Internationalizing the Curriculum Workshops, winter and spring 2015.
  • Western Washington University Summer Teaching Grant, 2014.
  • Western Washington University Summer Teaching Grant, 2014. Faculty Development Summer Grant Award recipient, Center for Instructional Innovation, summer 2013.
  • Nominated for the Linguistic Society of America’s prestigious Leonard Bloomfield Book Award for Linguistics for Everyone: An Introduction.
  • Professional Leave, fall 2006-winter 2007
  • academic year 2013-14 Western Washington University Summer Teaching Grant, 2002, 2005, 2014 Western Washington University Summer Research Grant, 2001, 2010


1997 Ph.D., University of Washington ‐ Linguistics
1992 M.A., University of Arizona ‐ Linguistics
1989 B.A., Swarthmore College ‐ Linguistics, French

Contact Information

Office: Humanities 341, Western Washington University
Phone: (360) 650-3217


Books (8)

Other Refereed Publications (14)

Refereed Conference Presentations (15)