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About Judith A. Reisman

In 1935 Judith Ann Gelernter was born in Newark, New Jersey, she married in 1956, had four children, wrote songs and produced MTV segments for Captain Kangaroo at CBS as well as for ABC, NBC and ETV.

In 1966 after the 13-year-old lad who lived upstairs fled the country, Judith’s 10-year-old daughter revealed the boy had raped her. He said his dad’s Playboys’ showed him “no” meant yes. Judith later found out other neighborhood children had been raped by the boy while he was in sex offender “therapy.”

Her life radicalized by her daughter’s abuse, Judith found “children are sexual from birth" had become common scientific dogma in 1966; trivializing both child sex abuse and opening the floodgates for sexualized children in media depictions. This was the world according to Kinsey and Playboy.

In 1975 Judith returned to Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio for an advanced degree, specializing in mass media effects. How did bogus science and mass media merge to change the brains, minds, memories and sexuality of children, and how did this change education, theology, government, law, medicine, family—and mass media itself?
By 1977, as a Masters of Arts, Judith lectured on children in Playboy/Penthouse pornography at the British Psychological Association International Conference on in Swansea University, Wales. She found so many sexologists there activists for "The Sexual Rights of Children" that Judith dubbed them the “International Academic Pedophile Lobby.”
After her slides documenting the sexualized children a psychologist coolly suggested she study Kinsey and his co-author. “I worked with them. One was a pedophile and the other a homosexual."

Reading Kinsey’s book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) Judith found Kinsey was indeed the “scientific” source for the widespread myth that "children are sexual from birth." A college virgin, Hugh Hefner was sexually radicalized reading Kinsey; he would publish Playboy as “Kinsey’s pamphleteer.” Hence Playboy’s sexual child images.
By 1981, as a Ph.D. “martze” at Israel’s Haifa University, Judith presented her lecture on Kinsey’s sex crimes against children (Tables 30-34) at the 5th World Congress of Sexology in Jerusalem. Children aged 2-months old who were fainting, weeping, screaming, convulsing, Kinsey defined as having orgasms.
By 1982, Judith received a $800,00 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. As a Full Research Professor at American University in Washington DC, she was tasked to investigate Kinsey's role in child sexual abuse as well as the children in mainstream pornography, Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler.
Her website provides the story thereafter.

Dubbed “the fore-mother of the sex trafficking field” by a top US State Department trafficking expert, Judith helped win a score of major legal cases globally and has produced a legacy of rigorous sexual studies, law journal articles, and five major books.

Since 1948, public health report data confirm a sick "sea change" skyrocketing western sexual crime, despair and disease. In 2007 the Kinsey Institute published, Kinsey: The Man Who Changed the World. True. Judith just returned in 2012 from Croatia where, she says, the “Neo-Marxists” are enforcing Kinsey’s deviant sex education (criminally “grooming” American children since the late-1960s) in order to implement the sexual deviance of the industrial world and to feed the profitable pornographic lust for the child sex traffic. Her widely publicized trip resulted in the Croatian Supreme Court ended sex education in Croatia and shortly thereafter passing referendum for traditional marriage.

Judith wants to see a Grand Jury Investigation of the tax funded Kinsey Institute crimes and a revival of the sabotaged “1995 HR 2749, Child Protection and Ethics in Education Act” to study its toxic global impact. She says this will expose Planned Parenthood’s sex education frauds and Playboy’s historic child pornography role—a case she already won against Playboy in the Netherlands in 1994.


Present Director, Liberty Center for Child Protection, Liberty University School of Behavioral Sciences
Present Research Professor of Law, Liberty University School of Law

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • Recognition of Service Award (2015), Liberty University School of Law
  • American Truth Teller Award (2012), Americans for Truth about Homosexuality
  • Save the Children Award, Croatia
  • Plaque of Appreciation (2011), Alliance of the Holy Family
  • Appreciation Award from the Mayor of the City of Zagrabia (Croatia)
  • Oklahoma Faith and Freedom Award (2014)
  • Research Award (2005), Abstinence Clearinghouse Conference
  • Guardian of the Light Award (2006), The Trustees of the Lighted Candle Society

Sexual Revolution (25)

Research Works (18)

Testimony (1)

Pornography Issues (52)