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About John Rybczyk

I’m an applied ecologist and use an integrated field and modeling approach to study the effects of climate change, in general, and rising sea-levels specifically, on coastal systems. I’m especially interested in modeling the non-linear feedbacks that allow coastal wetlands to maintain a dynamic equilibrium with sea-level. I use those models to predict the resiliency of estuarine systems to rising water levels and to guide the course of restoration and mitigation efforts.


Present Faculty Member, Western Washington University
Present Faculty Member, Western Washington University Western Expert
Present Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Western Washington University Huxley College of the Environment

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Honors and Awards

  • The Nature Conservancy. Restoration monitoring in the Stillaguamish Delta. August 2013 – July 2014. $104,405
  • NEERS. Pacific Northwest Coastal Blue Carbon Working Group: Phase 1 Project Scoping for Quantifying Carbon Storage and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Pacific Northwest Coastal Wetlands. May 2013 – Nov. 2013. $14,504
  • The Nature Conservancy. Sediment accretion monitoring in Port Susan Bay. March 2011 – July 2011. $12,567
  • State of Louisiana, Office of Coastal Protection and Management. Predicting Restoration and Protection Project Effects to Support Use of a Prioritization Tool for the 2012 Master Plan Update: Wetland Morphology Module. July, 2010 – March 2012. $16,800
  • Environmental Protection Agency STAR. Sustainable Coastal Habitat Restoration in the Pacific Northwest: Modeling and managing the effects, feedbacks, and risks associated with climate change. April 2007 – April 2012. $843,000

Contact Information

Phone: (360) 650-2081
Office: ES336, MS9181


Articles (22)

Contributions to Books (16)