Research Interests
Honors and Awards
- Brian McConnell Book Award (2008)
- Humanist of the Year Award (for research). College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Utah State University, April 2001
- Researcher of the Year Award. Department of English, Utah State University, March 2001
- Elli Köngäs-Maranda Prize (1998)
- Diversity Award, Indiana State University (1998)
- Educational Excellence Teaching Award, Indiana State University (1997)
- Service Award. School of Graduate Studies, University of Oregon, May 1991
- Outstanding Composition Teacher Award. Department of English, University of Oregon, May 1991
- Timmons Award for Thesis. Department of History, Utah State University, May 1987
- Legend and the Supernatural
- Material Culture
- Folklore Theory and Methods
Contact Information
Email: jeannie.thomas@usu.edu
Phone: (435) 797-2733
Office: Ray B West (RWST) 203A