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About Jeannie B. Thomas

Professor Thomas is an award-wining teacher who teaches courses in Folklore—including Legend and the Supernatural, Material Culture, and Folklore Theory and Methods.

Professor Thomas was Director of the Folklore Program from 2003-2008. She also served as Interim Department Head for Interior Design from 2006-2008. Currently, she is Interim Associate Dean of the Arts in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at USU.

Presently Professor Thomas is doing research on dark tourism and legends. She has published articles about dumb blonde jokes, Barbie, Hillary Clinton, Jim Morrison's grave in Paris, and supernatural legends.


Present Professor, Utah State University English
Department Head, Utah State University English

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

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Honors and Awards

  • Brian McConnell Book Award (2008)
  • Humanist of the Year Award (for research). College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Utah State University, April 2001
  • Researcher of the Year Award. Department of English, Utah State University, March 2001
  • Elli Köngäs-Maranda Prize (1998)
  • Diversity Award, Indiana State University (1998)
  • Educational Excellence Teaching Award, Indiana State University (1997)
  • Service Award. School of Graduate Studies, University of Oregon, May 1991
  • Outstanding Composition Teacher Award. Department of English, University of Oregon, May 1991
  • Timmons Award for Thesis. Department of History, Utah State University, May 1987


  • Legend and the Supernatural
  • Material Culture
  • Folklore Theory and Methods

Contact Information

Phone: (435) 797-2733
Office: Ray B West (RWST) 203A


Contributions to Books (14)

Presentations (1)