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About Janna L. Scarborough


Present Dean, East Tennessee State University Clemmer College of Education and Human Development
Present Professor, East Tennessee State University Strong BRAIN Institute
Present Professor, East Tennessee State University Clemmer College of Education and Human Development
Present Professor, East Tennessee State University Department of Counseling and Human Services

Curriculum Vitae


2012 Project: Counseling DREaM (Digital Recording and Electronic Management)
TAF (Technology Access Fee)
2010 Project SCENE: School counselor education, needs, and experiences for LGBTQ responsive school counseling
American Psychological Foundation
Wayne F. Placek Grant
Role: Principal Investigator
Colleague(s): Goodrich, K. M., & Luke, M.
2010 School counselors as educators: MoVIE
ETSU Instruction Development Committee
2008 We’re all in this together: Small groups with 3 rd grade students
Clemmer College of Education Dean’s Mini-grant
Colleague(s): Floyd, S.
2006 A Partner in Innovation: School Counseling Program Evaluation
Clemmer College of Education Dean’s Mini-grant
Colleague(s): Shaw, A., & Moore, T.
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Member, American Counseling Association
Present Member, American School Counselor Association
Present Member, Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
Present Member, Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender Issues in Counseling
Present Member, Chi Sigma Iota International – Eta Tau Sigma
Present Site Team Member Volunteer, Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs
Present NiswongerCARE Leadership Council member, Niswonger Foundation
Present Member, Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision
Present Member, Tennessee Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
Present Member, Tennessee Association for LGBT Issues in Counseling
Present Member and ALGBTIC Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chair, Tennessee Counseling Association
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Honors and Awards

  • 2001 - Recipient of Chi Sigma Iota International Fellowship
  • 2001 - Recipient of the William Van Hoose Memorial Award for an Outstanding Student in Counselor Education from the University of Virginia Curry School Foundation
  • 2001 - Recipient of a Dean’s Fellowship from the University of Virginia Curry School of Education – Human Services Department representative
  • 2001 - Recognition as a Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) “Emerging Leader”. Virginia Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (VACES) representative.
  • 2001 - Recipient of Outstanding Doctoral Student Award Rho Beta Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota University of Virginia
  • 2002 - Recipient of Outstanding Doctoral Student Award Chi Sigma Iota International Counseling Professional Honor Society
  • 2002 - Recipient of Dissertation Research Grant Curry School of Education – University of Virginia
  • 2005 - Nominated for Outstanding Teacher Award – Non-tenured faculty Syracuse University
  • 2012 - Outstanding Faculty Chapter Advisor Award, Chi Sigma Iota Counseling International Honor Society
  • 2013 - Recipient of the Research in Counselor Education and Supervision Award, Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (with research colleagues Kristopher Goodrich and Melissa Luke).
  • 2013 - Recipient of the Counselor Educator of the Year award from the Tennessee School Counselor Association
  • 2019 - Presidential Fellow (ETSU)


  • COUN 5020 - School Counseling Program Development
  • ELPA 6220 - Specialist Seminar
  • COUN 5150 - Career Development
  • COUN 5957 - Intro to Play Therapy
  • COUN 6593 - Advanced Internship
  • COUN 5010 - Principals and Trends in School Counseling
  • COUN 5563 - Advanced Counseling Techniques with Children
  • COUN 5561 - Counseling Techniques with Children
  • COUN 5570 - Practicum
  • COUN 5880 - Internship
  • COUN 5555 - Counseling Process and Practice


May 2002 PhD, Counselor Education, University of Virginia
1994 MA, School Counseling, Western Carolina University
May 1991 BS, Social/Behavioral Sciences, University of Mary

Contact Information

PO BOX 70685
Johnson City, TN 37614

Phone: 423-439-7616
Office: 319 Warf-Pickel


Publications (11)

National/Regional Refereed Presentations (11)

State Refereed Presentations (3)