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About Freidoon Barez

Dr. Freidoon Barez is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at San José State University. Professor Barez specializes in dynamics and controls. His current research interest lies in the design of electronic packaging and storage systems for computers. He has extensive experience in the latter systems. He is also developing new research capabilities in forefront technologies such as high vacuum systems, and micro- miniaturization and machining. He teaches courses in dynamics, vibrations, control systems, electronics packaging, high vacuum systems engineering and semi-conductor manufacturing process and equipment, disk drive mechanics and magnetic recording.

Energy Efficient and Smart Home Laboratory
Dr. Barez is involved in ongoing research in  energy efficient and smart home laboratory. It is state-of-the-art research and education capabilities to provide students with relevant experience and skills to enter the workforce for the emerging and growing industries. For more information please see the brochure.

Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technology Laboratory
The Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technology Laboratory is developed to provide students with state of the art knowledge and education in preparation to enter the workforce for this growing industry. This Laboratory is established to provide research opportunities in the following areas of battery studies, charging stations, on-board electronics and navigation, and the overall vehicle drive train performance. For more information please see the Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technology Laboratory brochure.


Present Professor, San Jose State University Mechanical Engineering

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1977 Ph.D., University of California - Berkeley
1974 M.S., University of California - Berkeley
1973 B.S., Michigan Technological University

Contact Information

Publications (13)

Book Chapter (1)

Conference Proceedings (3)