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About Brooke Harrington

Who creates change in markets and other financial institutions? My research for the past 15 years has investigated this question in a variety of empirical domains.I am an economic and organizational sociologist by training, with an empirical focus on finance, taxation and the professionals who specialize in those domains. My latest book for Harvard University Press concerns an elite occupational group within finance and its impact on international law and stratification. Previously, my research examined the effects of diversity and decision-making processes on the performance of investment groups. I'm interested in how things get done--what social actors actually do in their daily lives--and how that aggregates to the macro-level of financial markets, culture and political institutions. My work intersects with the literatures of political economy, anthropology, social psychology and behavioral finance.


Present Professor, Dartmouth College Department of Sociology

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • 2018--American Sociological Association, Outstanding Book Award, Section on Inequality, Poverty & Mobility
  • 2018--Academy of Management, International Impactful Collaboration Award
  • 2017--Copenhagen Business School, DSEB Research Award
  • 2012--European University Institute, Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship
  • 2006--Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Research Fellowship
  • 2003--Brown University, Wriston Teaching Award
  • 2002--Academy of Management, Newman Best Paper Award
  • 2002--Academy of Management, Best Paper Award, Organizational Behavior Division


Contact Information

Twitter: @ebharrington


Articles on Wealth, Professions and Global Capital (11)

Articles on Financial Fraud (9)

Articles on Sociology of the Stock Market (5)