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About Boris Handal

Dr Boris Handal is an Associate Professor, ICT Lecturer in the Sydney School of Education and coordinates various e-learning subjects for primary and secondary school teaching courses. Before joining Notre Dame, Dr Handal taught undergraduate and postgraduate students in the fields of pure mathematics, primary and secondary mathematics education methods and eLearning units at the University of Technology Sydney, University of Newcastle, University of Western Sydney and Macquarie University.

Dr Handal has achieved a Doctorate in Education from the University of Sydney in the area of Curriculum Development following advanced research methodology studies at the University of New England. He has earned a Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Mathematics Teaching from the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Peru and a Masters of Education from Edith Cowan University (Perth). At the University of Melbourne, he completed postgraduate studies in the area of information and communication technologies in education and training.

Dr Handal has published widely on various educational issues in academic journals and conference proceedings. His research topics include curriculum development, implementation and evaluation in mathematics education, teaching and learning, instructional design and online learning technologies in school and higher education.

Professional Affiliations:
Australian College of Education
Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE)
Australian Council for Computers in Education
Information Communication Technology Educators of NSW
The Mathematical Association of New South Wales
Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers
Centre for Research in Mathematics and Science Education

Community Engagement:
Boris' consultancy activities include running teacher training seminars for non-profit organisations in Cameroon, India and NSW as well as developing numeracy resources for rural primary schools (FAS India). In the South American Andes Boris worked as a managing director of an educational radio station serving Quechua and Aymara rural indigenous communities and working with various NGOs. He also worked at the former NSW Aboriginal Education Unit as a home tutor. An invited member of the Australian Institute for Teachers and School Leadership (AITSL) panel for national accreditation of teacher education programs. Boris is also an academic mentor at the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE).

2013 Presentations:
NSW Council of Deans of Education – Plane Project
St Therese Primary School – Using numeracy apps
ICT Educators of NSW workshop – Maths apps for the K-12 curriculum
anzMLearn 5th Mobile Learning Research Workshop – Implementing mobile learning programs
UTS Mobile Learning in Educational Futures Mini-Conference – Appraising maths apps

2014 Presentations
McGill University, Alberta – Numeracy in Mobile learning
Loyola University Maryland – Maths across the curriculum
The University of San Diego – Using the TPACK model to assess maths apps
EdMedia AACE 2014 Conference Finland – Implementing mobile programs in schools
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio of Janeiro – Digital technologies in maths education
Argentinian Association of Digital Humanities – Digital citizenship in schools
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru – Class size: myths and realities


Present Associate Professor, The University of Notre Dame Australia School of Education, Sydney


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Honors and Awards

  • 2010 Vice Chancellor Award for Programs that Enhance Learning Macquarie University
  • 2005 Minister’s Excellence in the Integration of Information and Communication Technologies 2005 Award
  • 2005 Australian Information Industry Association Mentorship – DET ICT Teachers Awards Program


  • Educational Research
  • ICT in Education
  • Mathematics Education

Contact Information

Dr Boris Handal
BEd (Hon), MEd (Cowan), PGCertEdSt (Melb), EdD (Sydney)
Associate Professor
Phone: (02) 8204 4200

Articles (20)

Book Chapters (1)

Conference Papers (4)