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Archetypal Principles–Memorable Places: A Study of the Presence of Higher-Order Design Characteristics at Bonfire Memorial
Archetypal Principles–Memorable Places: A Study of the Presence of Higher-Order Design Characteristics at Bonfire Memorial (2011)
  • William Batson
  • Arsenio T. Rodrigues, Prairie View A&M University
This study is part of a work-in-progress that speculates on the possibility that there may be a recurring set of higher-order design characteristics embodied within our most special inventory of place – ‘sacred’ place. According to Brill, these higher-order design characteristics make sacred place unique and distinct from our everyday ordinary/mundane place, thereby revealing it as sacred.1 When embodied in qualitatively significant and meaningful ways, these characteristics have the potential of contributing tremendously to place-making, such that place becomes extraordinary and memorable.2 In a time dominated by the desacralization of place, the re-discovery of such timeless design principles, which have guided and informed place-making from time immemorial, is often overlooked or worse, forgotten. Eliade contends that the desacralization of place has made it increasingly difficult for modern societies to rediscover existential dimensions of the sacred that were once immediately recognizable and readily accessible to man of the archaic societies in his everyday places.3 The motivation behind this study therefore, initiates from the need to re-connect with specific design principles that contribute to the making of place that is sacred and memorable.
  • Bonfire,
  • archetypal,
  • order,
  • archaic
Publication Date
Citation Information
William Batson and Arsenio T. Rodrigues. "Archetypal Principles–Memorable Places: A Study of the Presence of Higher-Order Design Characteristics at Bonfire Memorial" Archetypal Principles–Memorable Places: A Study of the Presence of Higher-Order Design Characteristics at Bonfire Memorial (2011)
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