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About Yueh-Hsuan Weng

Dr. Yueh-Hsuan Weng is an Associate Professor at the Inamori Frontier Program, Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Kyushu University and Associate Professor (Cross-appointment) at the Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS), Tohoku University. He has been an Assistant Professor at FRIS, Tohoku University (2017-2023), Visiting Assistant Professor at Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (2018) and TTLF Fellow at Stanford Law School (2018-2021). He received his Ph.D. in Law from Peking University and his M.S. in Computer Science from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. He is strongly interested in interdisciplinary studies, especially in issues concerning the interface between Artificial Intelligence and Law, including Robot Law, Social Robotics, and Legal Informatics. During his Ph.D. studies, he has founded ROBOLAW.ASIA and CHINA-LII, which are China’s first initiatives in AI Law and Free Access to Law.


Present Associate Professor, Kyushu University

Research Interests

Robot Law and Legal Informatics

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Media: RT Business and Law (33)

Magazines and Reviews (24)

Popular Press
Interdisciplinary Conversation on AI Law, Philosophy, and Society
Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter Quarterly (2018)
Yueh-Hsuan Weng and Yi-Chin Tu
回顧 AI 人工智慧的發展歷程,雖歷經技術上與倫理上的挑戰而曾陷入瓶頸。但過 去十年,隨著電腦演算能力的提升,及關於人類行為(網路商業活動、金融、健康、 教育)之資料,以數位的形式儲存於結構或非結構的資料庫中,使透過數據的蒐集、 儲存、演算與連結,進行表徵或推理,以預測或模仿人類行為的技術逐漸成熟。此將對人類整體帶來廣泛的效益,卻也因其可能改變政治、經濟、社會、文化等生活模式,面臨許多倫理挑戰。人文社會領域近來掀起一波探討人工智慧對當代與未來人類社會影響性的熱潮。如何在人工智慧所帶來的效益下,同時維護人性尊嚴、平等權與隱私權等價值,成為法律、社會與哲學學者的共同挑戰。基此,本中心特規劃舉辦「AI 與法律、哲學、社會議題跨領域對談」學術活動, 試圖達成以下目的:透過專題演講,瞭解當前法律、哲學及社會議題領域中,與 AI 有關之重要議題及未來發展;設定法學、哲學及社會議題學門之前瞻性研究議題,引導未來學術研究方向;建立交流互動之場域,鼓勵法學、哲學及社會議題及資料科學等學門進行跨領域 交流; 達成跨領域之意見交流、相關研究經驗傳承、媒合跨領域研究團隊、激發創新研 究議題等目的,進而達成相關實務運作及產業環境之提升。