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Unpublished Paper
Finite Symmetries of S^4
  • Weimin Chen Chen, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Slawomir Kwasik, Tulane University
  • Reinhard Shultz

This paper discusses topological and locally linear actions of finite groups on S4. Local linearity of the orientation preserving actions on S4 forces the group to be a subgroup of SO(5). On the other hand, orientation reversing topological actions of “exotic” groups G (i.e. G 6⊂ O(5)) on S4 are constructed, and local linearity and stable smoothability of the actions are studied.

Publication Date
December 18, 2014
Pre-published version downloaded from archive arXiv. The published version is located at
Citation Information
Weimin Chen Chen, Slawomir Kwasik and Reinhard Shultz. "Finite Symmetries of S^4" (2014)
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