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Housing Market Discrimination
The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems
  • W Dennis Keating
Document Type
Contribution to Books
Publication Date

The introduction of the Affordable Care Act in the United States, the increasing use of prescription drugs, and the alleged abuse of racial profiling by police are just some of the factors contributing to twenty-first-century social problems. The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems offers a wide-ranging roster of the social problems currently pressing for attention and amelioration. Unlike other works in this area, it also gives great consideration to theoretical and methodological discussions. The Handbook will benefit both undergraduate and graduate students eager to understand the sociology of social problems. It is suitable for classes in social problems, current events, and social theory. Featuring the most current research, the Handbook is an especially useful resource for sociologists and graduate students conducting research.


ISBN: 9781108426169

Citation Information
W Dennis Keating. "Housing Market Discrimination" The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems Vol. 1 (2018) p. 409 - 422
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