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About Dr. Vanessa Reyes

Dr. Vanessa Reyes is an Assistant Professor of Instruction for the School of Information at the University of South Florida and Editor-in-Chief of the Florida Libraries Journal. She holds a Ph.D. in Library and Information Science from Simmons College, an M.S. in Library and Information Studies from Florida State University and a B.A. in English from Florida International University. Having worked in archives, legislative, university, and public libraries, she became interested in exploring the PIM field when she noticed that researchers' interest were sparked when they used appropriately organized and preserved personal collections for scholarly work. Her current research contributes to the emerging field of personal information management (PIM), quantifying how individual users are organizing, managing, and preserving digital information. Dr. Reyes is finding ways to make a sustainable difference in how our digital heritage is preserved by examining trends of how individual users are managing and preserving their information. 


Present Instructor, University of South Florida School of Information

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2021 - Present Committee Member, JCLC 2022 Concurrent Programs, Poster Sessions & Proceedings Committee
2020 - Present Chair, ALISE Community Building Commitee
2013 - Present Member, ALISE
2012 - Present Member, Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)
2010 - Present Member, Society of American Archivists (SAA)
2009 - Present Member, American Library Association (ALA)
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Honors and Awards

  • Archival Education and Research Institute full attendance scholarship - 2015
  • Simmons College Doctoral Research Fund Award SLIS - 2014
  • Beta Phi Mu International Honor Society Beta Chapter - 2012
  • Full attendance scholarship to London, UK & Paris, France -2010
  • Simmons College Presidential Student Research Fund - 2008-2009


  • LIS 6946- Supervised Fieldwork
  • LIS5937 - Personal Information Management
  • LIS5020 - Foundations of Lib/Info Science
  • LIS4204 - Information Behaviors
  • IDS 4934 - Senior Capstone for BSAS/BGS
  • IDS 4914 - Advanced Undergraduate Research Experience


2016 Ph.D., Simmons College
2011 M.S., Florida State University
2010 B.A., Florida International University
2007 A.A., Miami Dade College

Books (1)

Book Chapters (1)

Book Reviews (1)

Articles (5)

Conference Presentations (3)

Blogs (1)

Dissertations (1)