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About Valentin Soloiu

Dr. Soloiu is the Allen E Paulson Distinguished Chair of Renewable Energy in Georgia Southern University.
Research:Supervise the Renewable Energy, Combustion, Aerospace, Automotive and Intelligent Vehicles Laboratories and exploring the development of green transportation technologies, intelligent vehicles, combustion and emissions of green alternative fuels/biofuels; multiple disciplines and faculty. Research interests: advanced combustion, sprays and emissions, intelligent vehicles.
Research directions are in renewable and sustainable first and second generation biofuels, with emphasis on new advanced combustion technologies, heat transfer and emissions, spray dynamics, and mixture formation, smart-engine control strategies, and engine tribology. The Biofuels Combustion laboratory has 11 graduate students and 20 undergraduate students working in advanced research.
Synergistic activities
1. PI NSF REU, PI for NSF-RET “Energy”, PI NSF MRI
 2. Dr. Soloiu’s research directions are in new advanced green combustion technologies, heat transfer and emissions, spray dynamics, and mixture formation, smart-engine control strategies, and intelligent vehicles. The Energy cluster laboratories have 15 graduate and 30 undergraduate students doing research. The labs are supported by courses in Renewable Energy, Automotive Engineering, Engines, and Combustion. Students’ research brought 40 awards in the last 10 years incl. at national level: NSF-GRFP, EPA-P3, etc.Publishing works:over 130 journal and peer reviewed conference papers and author co-author of 3 textbooks and 9 instruction manuals in automotive/energy technology; 34 research studies in the energy field. Main energy reviewer for 18 journals and conferences.
 3. Councilor of the Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR) / Engineering Division and Distinguished Associate of ASME Engine Division (ICEF)
 4. Affiliations: SAE, ASME, CUR, EPA-SEDC Awards (recent):2017 Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship, CEIT/GSU, 2016 Elected Distinguished Associate of ASME Engine Division, 2016 Elected Councilor of the Council of Undergraduate Research / Engineering Division/Appointed to Financial Committee, 2015 SAE International paper recognition, 2014 Award for Excellence in Research - Georgia Southern University, 2014 Outstanding Reviewer Recognition Elsevier Energy, 2013 EPA-P3 National Prize Washington DC, 2013 American Inst. of Chemical Engineers First prize Washington DC

Recent awards
Outstanding national and International professional service recognition in the last 3 years:
2018SAE International Member Service Award – 20 years
2018American Soc. of Mech. Engr. / Engine Division / Certificate of High Regard Appreciation
2018, 2015 Outstanding reviewer- Elsevier Energy Conversion and Management
2018, 2017 Outstanding reviewer- Elsevier Engineering Science and Tech. an Intl. Journal
2018 Outstanding reviewer- Elsevier Engineering Science and Technology
2017 ASME-IC Engine Division / Award of the High Regard of Appreciation
2017 Elected Engr. Div. Representative/Council of Undergraduate Research Finance Committee
2017 Outstanding reviewer Elsevier Applied Thermal Energy
2017 Elected National Councilor of the Council of Undergraduate Research (CUR)
2017 Outstanding reviewer: Elsevier Fuel Processing Technology
2017 Outstanding reviewer Elsevier Energy
2016 Elected Distinguished Associate of ASME Engine Division
2016 Outstanding reviewer: Elsevier-Fuel



Present Faculty Member, Georgia Southern University Department of Mechanical Engineering

Curriculum Vitae

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2013 - Present Professor, Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Information Technology
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Honors and Awards

  • Award for Excellence in Research - Georgia Southern University (2014)
  • EPA4 – SE (9 states) First prize Photography Exhibition: Clean Diesels in Natural Environment (2014)
  • SAE International Recognition for Substantial Contribution as a Speaker at ‘14 World Congress (2014)
  • Environmental Protection Agency-P3 National Prize Washington DC (2013)
  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers First prize Washington DC (2013)
  • SAE International Recognition for Substantial Contribution as a Speaker at ‘13 World Congress (2013)
  • EPA4 – SE (9 states) Second prize Photography Exhibition: Clean Diesels at Work (2013)
  • SAE Member Service Award – 10 years (2008)
  • The Medal for Foreign Researchers, Matsumae International Foundation, Tokyo (1994)


  • Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
  • Engine Design and Development
  • Engine Testing
  • Thermal Laboratory
  • HVAC
  • Thermodynamics
  • Renewable Energy

Contact Information

PO Box 8046
Statesboro, GA 30460
Phone: (912) 478-2293
Office: ENGR 2127


Publications (63)