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About Tilicia Mayo-Gamble

Biography, Disciplines and Teaching Interests
Dr. Mayo-Gamble is an Associate Professor of Community Health in the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at Georgia Southern University. She is also the Public Health faculty preceptor for Inter-Professional Education and Practice. 

Dr. Mayo-Gamble’s instruction is in health promotion, education, and behavior, and her specialized training is in the areas of community-engagement and chronic disease management. She earned her MA, MPH, and PhD from Indiana University. Dr. Mayo-Gamble also completed a postdoctoral research fellowship in Community Engagement from Community Engaged Research Core at Meharry Medical College. In addition to academic training, Dr. Mayo-Gamble is a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES).

Dr. Mayo-Gamble’s research agenda includes implementing community engagement methods, health communication, health behavior, chronic disease self-management, sickle cell disease, and patient-centered care. In particular, her research agenda centers on increasing protective behaviors, such as self-care, for disease management in underserved populations, focusing on sickle cell disease. Dr. Mayo-Gamble is also an advocate for patients with rare diseases, serving on state and national level advisory committees.

Disciplines: Community Health, Behavior and Education
Teaching Interests: Research methods, social marketing, theory, health behavior


Present Faculty Member, Georgia Southern University Department of Health Policy & Community Health


2021 - 2023 PCORI Contract 20135-VU
Eugene Washington Engagement Capacity Building Award
Capacity Building to Create a Patient-Centered Research Dissemination Model
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): Velma Murry (PI)
2021 - 2022 Seed Funding
Georgia Southern University
Integrating Community Health Workers into a Patient Center Medical Home
Role: PI
2021 Leveraging mHealth to Mitigate the Impact of COVID-19 in African American Communities
Association for Black Cardiologists
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): Lynch (PI) and Harris (Co-I)
2020 - 2021 Southeast Health District Evaluation Sub-Award
Coalition for a Health Appling County
Role: PI
2020 - 2021 Student Research Funding
Georgia Southern University
Role: PI and Supervisor
2019 - 2021 Programs to Increase Diversity among Individuals Engaged in Health Research (PRIDE)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute - R25 HL 106365
Role: Fellow
Colleague(s): Pace (PI)
2020 Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute - 3U01HL134004-04S1
Implementation of Medical Homes for Evidence Based Care of Adolescents and Adults with Sickle Cell Disease
Role: Supplement PI
Colleague(s): Kutlar (PI) and Gibson (Co-PI),
2020 South East Health District Evaluation Sub-Award
Georgia Health Foundation
Role: Evaluation Contract
2020 Student Research Funding
Georgia Southern University
Role: PI and Supervisor
2020 Student Research Funding
Georgia Southern University
Role: PI and Supervisor
2017 - 2018 Adapting a Sickle Cell Curriculum for Future Health Care Providers
Meharry Translational Research Center
Role: Project PI
Colleague(s): Adunyah (PI)
2017 - 2018 Meharry Vanderbilt Alliance
Use of a Multimodal Strategy for Community-Engaged Dissemination of Community Research Needs, Priorities, and Recommendations
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): Cunningham-Erves (PI)
2016 - 2017 Exploring Patient and Provider Perceptions of Sickle Cell Trait Patient Needs
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences - UL1 TR000445
Colleague(s): Bernard (PI)
2016 - 2017 Raising Community Awareness about the Importance of Sickle Cell Trait Testing
Meharry-Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Core
Role: Consultant
Colleague(s): Scott (PI)
2015 - 2017 Trans-Institutional Partnerships
Vanderbilt University
Role: Co-I
Colleague(s): Murry (PI) and DeBaun (Co-PI)
2014 - 2017 PCORI Contract 1107-VU
Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award: Tennessee Sickle Cell Disease Network
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): Murry (PI) and DeBaun (Co-PI)
Enter a valid date range.

Professional Service and Affiliations

2021 - Present Member, Bulloch County Violence Prevention Task Force
2021 - Present President, Faculty Assembly, JPHCOPH, GSU
2021 - Present College Alternate, Graduate Committee, GSU
2021 - Present Health Chair, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
2020 - Present Chair, Annual Performance Review Committee, GSU
2020 - Present President Elect, Faculty Assembly, JPHCOPH, GSU
2019 - Present College Representative, Admissions Committee, GSU
2019 - Present Partner/Consultant, My Three Sicklers
2018 - Present Faculty Preceptor, Area Health Education Center Scholars, GSU
2017 - Present Faculty Co-Advisor, Eta Sigma Gamma, GSU
2015 - Present Partner/Consultant, Breaking the SSickle Cell Cycle
2015 - Present Partner/Consultant, Sickle Cell Foundation of Tennessee
2018 - 2020 College Alternate, Graduate Committee, GSU
2018 - 2020 College Representative, Student Success Committee, GSU
2018 - 2020 Member, Teaching Evaluation Committee, GSU
2014 - 2015 Graduate Student Representative, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, IU
2014 - 2015 Graduate Student Representative, Research Committee, IU
2011 - 2015 Volunteer/Advocate, Martin Center Sickle Cell Initiative
2013 - 2014 Graduate Student Representative, Graduate Studies Grievance Committee, IU
2013 - 2014 Board Member, Inaugural School of Public Health Student Government, IU
Enter a valid date range.

Honors and Awards

  • Recipient, Marion County Public Health Department Employee Leadership Award (2011)
  • Recipient, AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteers in Service to America Education Award (2013)
  • Recipient, Indiana University School of Public Health Dissertation Research Award (2014)
  • Recipient, Translational Science 2016: Burroughs-Wellcome Fund Trainee Travel Award (2016)
  • Recipient, Selected Scholar, 2017-2018 Class, Leading Diverse Scientists to Success Program (2016)
  • Recipient, Best in Category, Community-Engaged Research, Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (2017)
  • Recipient, Leading Emerging and Diverse Scientists to Success Travel Award (2017)
  • Recipient, Best in Category, Community-Engaged Research, Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (2018)
  • Recipient, Moment of Recognition, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (2018)
  • Recipient, Journal of Genetic Counseling Best Trainee Paper Award (2020)
  • Recipient, Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health Instruction and Mentoring Award (2020)
  • Recipient, Research and Discovery & Innovation, University Awards of Excellence (2021-2022)


2015 - 2017 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Meharry Medical College
2015 Ph.D., Indiana University
2012 M.P.H., Indiana University
2010 M.A., Indiana University
2006 B.A., Butler University

Contact Information

Georgia Southern University
P.O. Box 8015
Phone: (912) 478-2674
Office: Hendricks Hall


Peer-Reviewed Publications (26)

Conference Publications (3)

Published Technical Reports (1)

Community Needs Assessment Technical Reports: (2)

Commentaries (6)

Invited Oral Presentations (15)