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Targeted subendothelial matrix oxidation by myeloperoxidase triggers myosin II-dependent de-adhesion and alters signaling in endothelial cells
Free Radical Biology and Medicine
  • M Rees
  • L Dang
  • T Thai, The University of Notre Dame Australia
  • D Owen
  • E Malle
  • S Thomas
Year of Publication

During inflammation, myeloperoxidase (MPO) released by circulating leukocytes accumulates within the subendothelial matrix by binding to and transcytosing the endothelium. Oxidative reactions catalyzed by subendothelial-localized MPO are implicated as a key cause of endothelial dysfunction in inflammatory vascular diseases. Whilst the subendothelial matrix is a reactive target for MPO-derived oxidants in disease, the functional implications of oxidative matrix modification for the endothelium are largely unknown. Here we show that hypochlorous acid (HOCl) produced by endothelial-transcytosed MPO oxidizes the subendothelial matrix, involving covalent crosslinking of the adhesive matrix protein fibronectin. Real-time biosensor and live cell imaging studies showed that HOCl-mediated matrix oxidation triggers rapid membrane retraction from the substratum and adjacent cells (de-adhesion). This de-adhesion was linked with the alteration of Tyr-118 phosphorylation of paxillin, a key focal adhesion-dependent signaling process, as well as Rho kinase-dependent myosin light chain-2 phosphorylation. De-adhesion dynamics were dependent on the contractile state of cells, with myosin II inhibition with blebbistatin markedly attenuating the rate of membrane retraction. Rho kinase inhibition with Y-27632 also conferred protection, but not during the initial phase of membrane retraction, which was driven by pre-existing actomyosin tensile stress. Notably, diversion of MPO from HOCl production by thiocyanate and nitrite attenuated de-adhesion and associated signaling responses, despite the latter substrate supporting MPO-catalyzed fibronectin nitration. This study indicates that HOCl-mediated matrix oxidation by subendothelial MPO deposits may play an important and previously unrecognized role in altering endothelial adhesion, signaling and integrity during inflammatory vascular disorders.

  • Myeloperoxidase,
  • extracellular matrix,
  • endothelial dysfunction,
  • redox signaling,
  • free radicals
Citation Information
M Rees, L Dang, T Thai, D Owen, et al.. "Targeted subendothelial matrix oxidation by myeloperoxidase triggers myosin II-dependent de-adhesion and alters signaling in endothelial cells" Free Radical Biology and Medicine Vol. 53 Iss. 12 (2012) ISSN: 0891-5849
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