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About J. Thomas McClintock

DNA Diagnostics, Inc. was founded in 1993 by Dr. J. Thomas McClintock, a forensic DNA analyst, a molecular biologist, and forensic entomologist. Dr. McClintock has evaluated and provided expert guidance on over two hundred criminal and paternity cases, both in the public and private sector, where DNA analysis was performed for individual identification and/or parentage verification. Dr. McClintock has taught numerous training seminars that focus on the principles and methodologies used in forensic DNA typing as well as Workshops designed to train prosecutors, investigators, and law enforcement officials in a) crime scene preservation, b) evidence collection, c) chain of custody issues, d) DNA evidence handling and analysis, e) specialized trial tactics, and f) effective presentation of DNA evidence to judges and juries.
Dr. McClintock is a Professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA where he teaches undergraduate classes in microbiology. He previously held a faculty position in the Department of Molecular and Microbiology at George Mason University (GMU) in Fairfax, VA where he taught graduate courses in forensic DNA analysis and in forensic sciences. The course in forensic DNA analysis focuses on current laboratory methods and applications in forensic DNA profiling and effective presentation of DNA evidence at trial. His previously published laboratory manual, entitled “Forensic DNA Analysis: A Laboratory Manual” (2008, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis), presents an overview of the current techniques and methods commonly used in forensic DNA typing, as well as, the interpretation of DNA evidence which is crucial for today’s criminalist. Dr. McClintock's latest laboratory manual entitled "Forensic Analysis of Biological Evidence: A Laboratory Guide for Serological and DNA Typing" (In Press) focuses on the current serological and DNA tests used in forensic laboratories throughout the world.
In 2008, Dr. McClintock was invited to appear on the Nancy Grace Show ( to provide his insights on the use of DNA testing in the investigation of the missing 3-year old Florida girl named Caylee Anthony. The complete transcripts for both shows are available at and
Dr. McClintock received a Bachelor of Science degree from the Department of Biology at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, a Masters of Science degree from the Department of Entomology, and a Doctorate of Philosophy degree from the Department of Microbiology at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. After completing a Postdoctoral Fellowship, Dr. McClintock became Group Leader/Senior Staff Scientist at Digene Diagnostics, Inc. where he directed the research on the development and use of DNA probes for the detection and diagnosis of human pathogens.
For more information see or contact Dr. McClintock at


Present Professor of Biology, Liberty University School of Health Sciences

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