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A literature Review on Disinfecting Chemicals for Improved Bio‐Security of Emergency Animal Mortality Composting and Anaerobic Digestion
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Conference Proceedings and Presentations
  • Lam Nguyen, Iowa State University
  • Thomas D. Glanville, Iowa State University
  • Jacek A. Koziel, Iowa State University
  • Timothy S. Frana, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
4th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortality, Products, By Products and Associated Health Risk
Publication Date
(42.3222599, -83.1763145)

This work reviews literature on disinfecting chemicals that could be used to inactivate pathogens in carcass composting and anaerobic digestate. Our review suggests the pathogens sometimes survive in compost and anaerobic digestate. The objective of this review is to look for a possibility of a two‐ phase treatment, composting and anaerobic digestion followed by a chemical treatment, to improve the bio‐security of livestock mortality management. First, we review the available information on liquid and gaseous disinfecting chemicals that have been used historically for inactivating pathogens in solid and liquid matrixes such as soil, grains, and certain food products. Based on the scientific, practical appeal of those chemicals, we evaluate and discuss their potentials and suggest some chemicals that could be used in emergency disposals of animal mortalities. Finally, we highlight future emerging research needs.


This poster was presented at the 4th International Symposium on Managing Animal Mortality, Products, By Products and Associated Health Risk, 21–24 May 2012, Dearborn, MI.

Copyright Owner
The authors
Citation Information
Lam Nguyen, Thomas D. Glanville, Jacek A. Koziel and Timothy S. Frana. "A literature Review on Disinfecting Chemicals for Improved Bio‐Security of Emergency Animal Mortality Composting and Anaerobic Digestion" Dearborn, MI(2012)
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