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About Thomas B. Boving

Research Areas
Environmental Hydrogeology
Research Interests
Fate and Transport of Organic and Inorganic Contaminants
Innovative Remediation Technologies
Water Treatment by Bank Filtration
International Water Resources Development
Expert Witnessing - Water Pollution Litigation
Research Activity
Overall funding received: >$3 Mio, (>$2.2 Mio as PI). Sources of funding include Department of Defense (ESTCP & AFCEE), EPA, WERF, Department of Transportation (URITC), NATO, CICEET, WERF, World Bank, and various state agencies.
Selected Projects:
Advanced Mixed Oxidation and Inclusion Technology (2010). US EPA - SABIR Phase I. Co-PI with EnChem Engineering ($70,000).
Development of Quantitative Tools to Determine the Expected Performance of Unit Processes in Wastewater Soil Treatment Units (2008-2009). The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF), Co-PI ($210,000)
Clean Water by Riverbank Filtration - A Demonstration of a Novel Site Selection and Implementation Strategy in Southern India (2007-2009) The World Bank – Developing Marketplace Program, PI ($190,000) [Google Earth Coverage] Request Final Report here
Evaluation of Riverbank Filtration for Protection of Jordanian Surface and Ground Water Resources. (2005-2010) NATO Program for Security through Science, PI (EURO 281,000).
Porous Pavement and Water Quality: Investigation of a Newly Constructed Parking Lot and its Potential Impact on Subsurface Water, (2003-2005) RI Transportation Ctr. ($122,000)
Cyclodextrin Enhanced In-situ Removal of Organic Contaminants from Ground-water at Department of Defense Sites. (2001-2004), DoD – ESTCP program ($864,000)
Facilitated transport enabled in situ chemical oxidation of 1,4-dioxane contaminated groundwater SERDP (2013-2017; $1.2 Million) Co-PI with PNNL, UofA, EnChem
Chemical Oxidation and inclusion technology for expedited soil and groundwater remediation. AFCEE (2010-12; $670,000), Co-PI with EnChem.


Present Faculty Member, University of Rhode Island


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