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Black Women’s Recommendations for Developing Effective Type 2 Diabetes Programming
Global Qualitative Nursing Research
  • Tera R. Hurt, Iowa State University
  • Asani H. Seawell, Pacific University
  • Carolyn Cutrona, Iowa State University
  • Margaret C. Shirley, Iowa State University
  • Randie D. Camp, Iowa State University
  • Roxanne Duran, Pacific University
  • Reid Elderts, Pacific University
  • Chrishelda Green, Iowa State University
  • Vanessa Hara, Pacific University
  • Jenna Pattee, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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The purpose of this study was to learn from 29 Black women how to develop effective Type 2 diabetes programming. Three focus groups were held in Des Moines, Iowa, during fall 2012. Results highlighted themes related to diabetes knowledge, diabetes management and prevention, physical activity, diet, and diabetes management programming. Opinions were shared as to whether family members should be included in programs for supporting those diagnosed with diabetes. These results provided guidance and ideas to scholars and health care professionals aiming to improve effectiveness of diabetes programs for Black women and families.


This article is published as Hurt, Tera R., Asani H. Seawell, Carolyn Cutrona, Margaret C. O’Connor, Randie D. Camp, Roxanne Duran, Reid Elderts, Chrishelda Green, Vanessa Hara, and Jenna Pattee. "Black Women’s Recommendations for Developing Effective Type 2 Diabetes Programming." Global Qualitative Nursing Research 4 (2017);1-12. Doi: 10.1177/2333393617715335.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
Copyright Owner
Sage Journals
File Format
Citation Information
Tera R. Hurt, Asani H. Seawell, Carolyn Cutrona, Margaret C. Shirley, et al.. "Black Women’s Recommendations for Developing Effective Type 2 Diabetes Programming" Global Qualitative Nursing Research Vol. 4 (2017) p. 1 - 12
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