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Unpublished Paper
Budd-Chiary Syndrome Paper
  • Tarik Michael, St. Catherine University
Budd-Chiari Syndrome is a pathology of the liver caused by obstruction of the hepatic veins. This disease is rare in the USA and more common in Asia, which is a good reason to misdiagnose and unable to provide adequate and timely treatment to such patients. Delay in making a diagnosis of such a disease might lead to complications and cost the life of the patient. In this paper, the definition, etiology, clinical manifestation, laboratory values, method of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up methods of the disease are included.
  • Syndrome,
  • Pathology,
  • Obstruction,
  • Hepatic Veins
Publication Date
Winter December 20, 2020
Citation Information
Tarik Michael. "Budd-Chiary Syndrome Paper" (2020)
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