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About Tamas Lengyel

Prof. Lengyel interests include combinatorial problems in probability theory and statistics, multivariate statistical methods, applications, combinatorial game theory, as well as related number theoretical problems. I reviewed the planned MS degree program in Applied Mathematics at the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) for the Department of Education and Board of Regents of the State of New York. I have been a reviewer and/or referee for tenure reviews, the National Security Agency (NSA), Mathematical Reviews, Discrete Mathematics, Annals of the Institute of the Statistical Mathematics (Japan), Journal of Applied Probability/Advances in Applied Probability, INTEGERS (Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory), Journal of Integer Sequences, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Applied Mathematics Letters, UMAP Journal, Fibonacci Quarterly, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Communications in Statistics-- Simulation and Computation, and publishing companies. I have joined the editorial board of the quarterly journal, Advances and Applications in Statistics in 2003.


Present Professor of mathematics, Occidental College, California, 2002-, Occidental College

Curriculum Vitae


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Contact Information

Office: Fowler 322
Phone: (323) 259-2516

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