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About Sunil Dhoubhadel

Dr. Sunil P. Dhoubhadel is an Associate Professor of Agribusiness at Prairie View A&M University. Dr. Dhoubhadel has diverse research interests in agricultural and applied economics. His primary research areas are grain and livestock economics, agricultural market and trade analysis, and industrial organizations. Dr. Dhoubhadel has published articles in various peer-reviewed journals such as Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, and Agribusiness: An International Journal. His recent article analyzed the impact of COVID-19 and beef packer market power on beef price spread. His past research projects addressed issues such as the profitability of precision agriculture technologies in the United States, the impact of the Nebraska Livestock Friendly Country Program on the state’s cattle industry, the U.S. biofuels policy, and 2012 drought impacts on U.S. agricultural markets, U.S. beef trade, biofuels trade, the profitability of beef production systems, and the impact of livestock production on land-use changes and greenhouse gas emissions.


Present Assistant Professor, Prairie View A&M University College of Agriculture & Human Sciences

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Professional Service and Affiliations

Member, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Member, Southern Agricultural Economics Association
Member, Western Agricultural Economics Association
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Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Ph. D Student, Department of Ag. Economics UNL, JB Hassler Research Citation Award, Department of Ag. Economics UNL,Traveling Scholar, CIC of Big Ten Universities,. NORAD Fellow


  • Economics of International Agricultural Development
  • Farm Management
  • Marketing of Farm Products
  • Introduction to Agribusiness
  • Agricultural Prices
  • Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics


M.S., Texas A&M University ‐ Department of Agricultural Economics
Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln ‐ Department of Agricultural Economics
M.SC, Norwegian University of Life Sciences ‐ Department of International Environment and Development Studies

Contact Information

Agriculture and Business Multipurpose Bldg., Office # 309
Department of Agriculture, Nutrition, and Human Ecology
College of Agriculture and Human Sciences
Prairie View A&M University
805 A.G. Cleaver Street
Prairie View, TX 77446
Phone: 936-261-2527

Journal Publication (13)

Recent Works (20)