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TCT-194 Vascular closure devices are associated with lower risk of access site complications in high risk patients: the utility of risk calculator
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
  • Daniel Ortiz, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Khawaja A Ammar, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Suhail Allaqaband, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Tanvir Bajwa, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Mark Mewissen, Advocate Aurora Health

Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center

Aurora Cardiovascular Services

Aurora Sinai/Aurora St. Luke's Medical Centers,

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Citation Information

Ortiz D, Ammar K, Allaqaband S, Bajwa T, Mewissen M. TCT-194 Vascular closure devices are associated with lower risk of access site complications in high risk patients: the utility of risk calculator. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2017;70(18S):B82.